Jack of all trades, master of.....MANY!
A musician. A "recovering mechanic". A quick witted jokester. Guitar builder. Antique motorcycle enthusiast. Definitely not named Jack, though.
Tim spent nearly 2 decades as - not a mechanic - but a master certified, ASE certified automotive repair technician and diagnostician (tech is way quicker to type, btw) with 3 Asian market brands. After having his fill of the daily grind (and SOMEHOW becoming the senior dude in the shop), he refocused energies to opening his very own beer, wine and brewing supplies storefront. So, in 2014 he bode farewell to the automotive world and established THE BREW SHOPPE.
In the past 2 years, and during lull periods of business, Tim started fixing and building guitars for friends which then grew to an interested customer base, so he decided to start musical instrument repairs. That snowballed into him being - AHEM - "persuaded" by his wife, Alissa, to "maybe sell some of those guitars you don't really play..." Which then, turned to folks asking if he could sell their items too....
And here we are: a decade later, and "Tim The Beer n Gear Geek" is still doing his wacky thing in downtown SHAPVEGAS!